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November 13, 2012 / Randy Coppinger

Dialog Editing Toolset

Alexander Brandon asked,
What’s the best toolset that you’ve found for editing dialog quickly? This goes for both the audio editing and things like naming conventions and file organization.

I have the perfect system in my head, but no one is making it yet. 🙂

I am constantly seeking better tools and trying to make the most of the tools I have. The latter seems like a good investment of my time/money. There are really great choices to address different kinds of issues. My core software is ProTools and Excel – I spend more time with these than any other. But so many tools make dialog production better: Filemaker Pro, QuicKeys, Snapper, NameChanger… the list goes on and on even before I get to plug-ins.

File transfer solutions are important too: Gobbler, Aspera Faspex,, SoundCloud, and so on. How you move audio files and share reference material can dramatically affect how quickly and accurately a job gets done.

Another key element: a good folder structure. This is really important for working on large scale projects in teams. We need to know where files should go, and where can we find what we need.

Ultimately the tools you choose should be the ones that help you achieve quality results effectively. Use what works for you. And don’t miss an opportunity to learn from others.

Listen to all of the questions and answers… Dialog Editing for Game Audio.

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